Questions for the certification examination are derived and/or documented from a number of professional sources. Some of the most frequently cited references are:
Title: Highway Capacity Manual 2010
Author(s): Transportation Research Board Inc. (TPCB)
Publisher: TRB, ISBN: 978-0-309-16077-3
ITE Publication Number: LP-674
Publication Date: 2011
Title: Manual of Transportation Engineering Studies, 2nd Edition
Author(s): Edited by H. Douglas Robertson
Publisher: ITE, ISBN: 978-1-933452-53-1
ITE Publication Number: TB-012A
Publication Date: 2010
Title: Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 2009 Edition
Publisher: FHWA/ITE/ATSSA/AASHTO, ISBN: 978-1-56051-473-2
ITE Publication Number: MUTCD-10
Publication Date: 2009
Title: A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 6th Edition
Author(s): AASHTO
Publisher: AASHTO, ISBN: 978-1-56051-508-1
ITE Publication Number: LP-323D
Publication Date: 2011
Title: Traffic Engineering Handbook, 7th Edition
Author(s): ITE, Brian Wolshon and Anurag Pande
Publisher: Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-118-76230-1
ITE Publication Number: LP-691
Publication Date: 2016
Title: Traffic Safety Toolbox: A Primer on Traffic Safety
Author(s): ITE
Publisher: ITE, ISBN: 0-935403-43-4
ITE Publication Number: LP-279A
Publication Date: 1999
Title: Transportation Planning Handbook, 3rd Edition
Author(s): Edited by Michael D. Meyer
Publisher: ITE, ISBN: 0-935403-33-7
ITE Publication Number: TB-011B
Publication Date: 2009
Title: Highway Safety Manual
Author(s): AASHTO
Publisher: AASHTO, ISBN: 978-1-56051-477-0
ITE Publication Number: LP-672
Publication Date: 2010
Title: Signal Timing Manual - NCHRP Report 812, Second Edition
Author(s): Tom Urbanik, Alison Tanaka, et al.
Publisher: TRB, National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Publication Date: 2015
In addition to these professional references, a candidate may find it advantageous to review a general traffic or transportation engineering text. Among the excellent texts currently available, the following was frequently cited in question documentation:
Title: Fundamentals of Traffic Engineering, 16th Edition (Currently not Available)
Author(s): Homburger, W., et al.
Publisher: University of California
Publication Date: 2007