Road Safety Professional Level 1
Domain 1: Foundations of Road Safety |
Task 1: Define road safety by using an approved reference source (e.g., Highway Safety Manual, highway safety plans). |
Task 2: Describe evidence-based road safety, including the distinction of nominal vs. substantive safety, by using road safety literature (e.g., ITE Handbook). |
Task 3: Describe the complexity of road safety and list the elements that are involved in crash causation and influence the severity of the outcome. |
Task 4: List road safety-relevant characteristics of different road users (e.g., drivers, pedestrians, cyclists) and how they apply to effective selection of countermeasures. |
Task 5: Identify partners in road safety by listing disciplines and agency types that have a role to play in preventing crashes and reducing their severity. |
Task 6: Describe different approaches to road safety management (e.g., traditional 4E, Haddon’s matrix, safe systems approach, Vision Zero). |
Task 7: Describe how to balance safety with other transportation goals (e.g., environment, congestion, mobility) by evaluating |
Task 8: Describe the elements of a culture that fosters road safety within an organization or discipline and how to achieve it. |
Task 9: Discuss developments in policy and technology that will influence future decisions and actions in road safety. |
Domain 2: Measuring Safety (0.1201) |
Task 1: Identify types, applications, and users of safety data, and discuss the challenges, limitations, and ways to mitigate them by using nontraditional safety data. |
Task 2: Discuss how the quality of safety data can lead to more effective programs, projects, and initiatives and investments. |
Task 3: Explain how key factors (e.g., speed, volume, time of day) could affect the frequency and severity of crashes. |
Task 4: Explain the primary components of quantitative safety analysis. |
Domain 3: Human Behavior and Road Safety (0.2148) |
Task 1: Identify key characteristics and limitations of human behavior that influence how road users interact with the roadway environment. |
Task 2: Describe multidisciplinary safety strategies to modify human behavior. |
Task 3: Describe the key characteristics of effective educational strategies (e.g., informational/awareness campaigns) and discuss their benefits and limitations in modifying human behavior. |
Task 4: Describe the key characteristics of effective enforcement campaigns and discuss their benefits and limitations in modifying human behavior. |
Task 5: Describe and give examples of how roadway infrastructure features and elements (e.g., traffic control devices, road alignment, cross section) affect human behavior. |
Task 6: Describe why human factors should be considered in the process of planning, design, and operations to increase the safety of all road users. |
Task 7: Describe how applying positive guidance principles to road elements can be used to affect road user behavior and improve safety performance. |
Task 8: Apply the driving task model to the process of identifying contributing factors to road user error. |
Domain 4: Solving Safety Problems (0.2875) |
Task 1: Identify and describe the steps in a safety management process that uses effective data-driven procedures and methods to reduce fatalities and injuries caused by traffic collisions. |
Task 2: Identify and describe a systemwide (countermeasure-oriented) approach. |
Task 3. List reliable sources of multidisciplinary countermeasures to reduce fatalities and serious injuries. |
Task 4: List tools used to diagnose safety problems and describe their specific advantages and disadvantages. |
Task 5: Describe how multidisciplinary approaches can be used to deploy the most effective solutions. |
Task 6: Understand collision patterns and crash contributing factors. |
Task 7: Describe opportunities for user-focused interventions targeted at different populations. |
Task 8: Identify how countermeasure costs and benefits can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of program and project investments. |
Task 9: Identify the elements of a countermeasure evaluation by using data to determine its impacts (e.g., positive and negative impacts). |
Task 10: Identify techniques for estimating and comparing the safety performance of different project alternatives. |
Domain 5: Implementing Road Safety Programs (0.1324) |
Task 1: Describe how strategic safety plans are prepared and used. |
Task 2: List important elements of successful road safety policies and programs. |
Task 3: Explain the role and value of champions in influencing road safety policies and programs. |
Task 4: Identify elements of successful communication and outreach strategies that build consensus among decision-makers and lead to increased public acceptance/awareness about road safety initiatives. |
Task 5: Describe how multidisciplinary teams and partnerships can achieve road safety goals. |
Task 6: Describe the value of safety program evaluation and explain how results influence future program delivery. |